

 この冬休み、公益財団法人東芝国際交流財団とアスジャ・インターナショナルが共同で実施している国際交流プログラム「Toshiba Youth Club Asia(以下、TYCA)」に、本校の生徒二名が参加し、貴重な経験を積みました。引率したALTジゼル先生のレポートから、その様子を詳しくご紹介します。

  Biannually, Toshiba Youth Club Asia (TYCA) holds a weeklong conference where students and advisors from five countries around Asia—Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, and Indonesia—as well as three schools from within Japan—Waseda High School, Keio SFC High School, and Oki Dozen High School—come together in Tokyo to discuss and understand the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This session, it was held from December 21st to the 28th, and two students, Kagoshima Haruka and Yasukawa Yuzuki, joined from Oki Dozen High School, along with our ALT, Gisele Berzenye. Here’s what they did!



Day 1
December 21st, 2024

After a long journey from Oki Dozen, they arrived in Tokyo and met the rest of the TYCA team at the Tokyo Metropolitan Building. Here, they were able to take in the magnificent view of Tokyo and Mt. Fuji. Afterwards, they transferred to the National Olympic Center in Yoyogi, where they would be spending the majority of their time for the week. Here, they did ice breakers and started to get to know one another. The Dozen students were a little shy at first, but the more they talked with other students, the more they opened up. How nice!


Day 2
December 22nd, 2024

    Day 2 started bright and early at 7am with a lovely breakfast at the NYC. Then, they had two amazing lectures. One by Ms. Hideko Hadzialic, who is the director of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). She spoke about circular economy  as well as about how the UNDP helps facilitate human development all around the world. Then we heard from Nozomu Aoki. His presentation was a real life example of what a circular economy would look like, as he created and designed a product to facilitate the reuse of coffee grounds in a sustainable way. It was so interesting to hear them speak! They also were split into their groups of T, Y, C, and A, which they stayed with for the duration of the week!

 二日目は、午前七時に国立オリンピック記念青少年総合センターで美味しい朝食からスタートしました。その後、素晴らしい講演を二つ聴きました。ひとつ目は、国連開発計画(UNDP)のディレクターであるハジアリッチ 秀子氏による講演でした。循環型経済や、UNDPが世界中でどのように人間開発(human development)を促進しているかについてお話しいただきました。続いて、青木望氏から、コーヒーかすを再利用したサステナブルな製品の開発についてご講演いただきました。循環型経済の素晴らしい事例でした。お二人の講演は非常に興味深く、大変勉強になりました。また、この日から、T、Y、C、Aのグループに分かれ、週を通して同じグループで活動することになりました。

Day 3
December 23rd, 2024

    On this day, Dr. Naoki Ishibashi, a professor at Musashino University here in Tokyo, spoke to the students about his research and about QFT (question formulation techniques). The students were able to practice making questions to deepen their understanding about the problems they want to tackle in their own country. Then, after lunch, Ms. Kishi and her students from Keio SFC High School came to show them a game called Logy and Nomi, which is meant to help students better understand the balance between ecology and economy. It was such a fun time!

 武蔵野大学の石橋 直樹教授から、QFTと呼ばれる問いづくりの手法についてご講演いただきました。生徒たちは、この手法を用いて、自国で取り組みたい課題について深く考えるための質問を練る練習を行いました。その後、昼食の後、慶應義塾湘南藤沢高校の岸先生と生徒たちが来訪し、「Logy and Nomy」というゲームを紹介してくれました。このゲームを通して、生態系と経済のバランスについて学べます。とても楽しい時間でした。

Day 4
December 24th, 2024

    The day started with a lecture from Ms. Akira Sakano, the representative director of Zero Waste Japan. She spoke about her efforts to provide more effective ways to deal with garbage in small towns around Japan, including a town called Kamikatsu. It was so interesting to see how the community came together when the town needed to solve their problems! Then, in the afternoon, they went on a short field trip. First, they spent time at the Resonac Plastic Chemical Recycling Plant to learn about how such waste is recycled. Then, they went to the Kawasaki Kingskyfront Tokyu REI Hotel which is the world’s first hydrogen hotel. They had many creative ways to be more sustainable in their everyday business! The day ended with a delicious Christmas dinner at the NYC!

 ゼロ・ウェイスト・ジャパン代表理事の坂野 晶子氏からご講演いただきました。坂野氏は、上勝町など日本の小さな町で実施されている、ごみ問題に取り組む効果的な方法についてお話しくださいました。地域が一体となって問題解決に取り組む姿は、とても興味深いものでした。午後は、近郊の施設を見学しました。まず、レゾナックのプラスチックリサイクル工場を訪れ、プラスチックごみのリサイクル方法について学びました。その後、世界初の水素ホテルである川崎キングスカイフロント東急REIホテルを見学しました。ホテルでは、日常業務において持続可能性を高めるための多くの工夫がなされていました。夜は、国立オリンピック記念青少年総合センターで美味しいクリスマスディナーを楽しみました。

Day 5
December 25th, 2024

    This was the day where things started to get more serious. Each team started to create their presentation regarding a potential project that would be in line with four of the 5 P’s the SDGs fall under: People, Peace, Planet, and Prosperity, the last being partnership which would be honored through all of their projects. The students worked diligently all day, only breaking at lunch to get meals from nearby restaurants. Dr. Ishibashi joined them again to help advise the students on their projects throughout the afternoon. Then, to finish the evening, they spoke with students from ASJA (Asia Japan Alumni) about student life in Japan! A very busy day!

 いよいよ本格的な活動が始まりました。各チームは、SDGsの5つのP(People, Planet, Peace, Prosperity、Partnership)のうち、People、Planet、Peace、Prosperityに沿ったプロジェクトを立案し、プレゼンテーションを作成しました。生徒たちは一日中、プロジェクトに集中し、休憩をとったのは近くのレストランでの昼食時くらいでした。石橋教授も再び参加され、午後は生徒たちのプロジェクトについてアドバイスしてくださいました。そして、夜は、ASJA(アジア・ジャパン・アラムナイ)の学生たちと交流し、日本の学生生活について話をしました。非常に充実した一日となりました。

Day 6
December 26th, 2024

    Today was another work day. They fine tuned their ideas and began creating their powerpoints and scripts. They took a short break to stretch their legs and to refresh themselves by taking a short trip to Meiji Shrine to see the beautiful buildings and the trees which were planted 100 years ago. In the evening they had their rehearsal presentation before spending the rest of the night fine tuning their presentation. They worked very hard to make everything amazing!


Day 7
December 27th, 2024

Presentation day!
    Everyone was so nervous about their presentations, especially because parents joined us over Zoom as well as officers from the embassies of Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, and Indonesia and the director and the assistant director of the Foreign Exchange Division came from the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. So, there was a lot of pressure for the students! However, they all did such a great job!


    In the afternoon, everyone went to Harajuku to do some shopping, take purikura, and have a great time! Then, in the evening, they finished their night with a farewell dinner, and they exchanged gifts from their home countries with each other.


Day 8
December 28th, 2024

    Today was the day they sadly had to say goodbye. The ASEAN students and advisors returned to their countries, and the Japanese students and advisors went home, as well. They will never forget the friends and memories they made and the memories while on this trip.

